Checking In!

So, first, I’ll apologize for my looooong break in writing. I know I said I’d do better and then I didn’t. I’ve been struggling with a lot of things for a long time and sometimes my demons get the better of me. Recently things have started to look up for me and it’s been so refreshing. I’ve gotten a new breath of positivity in my life.

After searching for two years I’ve finally gotten a new job. I’ll be leaving fast food to work in retail, though I’ll be working in the food section of a grocery store. I’m really excited for this new direction in my life. I have a lot of learning and adjustment to do, but I’m ready for something new. I’m nervous. It’s a big change and change is frightening. I can’t wait to start this new chapter in my life. I feel like this is the herald of more and greater changes to come. I can’t wait to see what’s coming next. My optimist thinks things will only get better from here.

Not even one of my demons can destroy this positivity. I’m holding onto this new high for as long as I can. It’s even prompted me to take new steps in dealing with this demon.

A while back I wrote three stories on suicide from three different perspectives. I wrote a follow-up post on inspiration. I have been living in a state of depression for a long time and half of my life has been spent wishing for death. Lately I’ve been dealing with a group of people bullying me online. I’ve made support tickets to the company and gotten some lackluster responses. They’ve gone to some extreme lengths to slander me. I have faith that in the end the truth will come to light and justice will prevail. I have one more step I can take and then I might consider some legal action.

Dealing with these people has been difficult for me. I honestly don’t know how well I would have borne this trial without the help of my friends. They’ve all been wonderful support to me, even if I haven’t said as much or thanked them as I should have. Shout out to all of you. I love you so much. Please, everyone, never forget that you’re not alone. There are always people in your life who will be there to help you when you can’t see the way out yourself.

Some other changes in my life include exercising more, spending time with my dog, and more time spent writing – away from my computer. My computer is my worst distraction! I take a notebook and sit on the front or back porch and write by hand. I have been doing this every morning for a couple weeks now and I believe it’s also been a huge contributing factor to my improved mood. I’m working on even more changes in my life. I’m doing some online training for different certifications and I have a bunch of books I’m trying to read. I’ll get through them all, I hope. I have so many! Maybe I should set myself a goal – finish at least one book on my reading list by this time next month. (Reminder set in my phone, so I’ll let you guys know if I made it or failed!)

I’ll write again soon! Promise (for real this time).

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