Struggling with Life

It’s been a while since I’ve written. After my last posts I was filled with self-doubt. I felt I was being overzealous and ambitious by making too many posts too quickly and anyone who might be reading my blog would be annoyed or overwhelmed with how much I was putting out. I was also dealing with a lot of stress that spiraled out of control.

So I’m going to try getting back into the habit of posting frequently no matter what. This blog is for me. “Haters gonna hate.” So let them, but this is for my leisure and pleasure.

I learned from that week of posting I was much happier and able to deal with stressors in my life than when I stopped. Writing is cathartic for me. It helps me process things going on in my life and view things from different perspectives. Perspective is something I’ve been working on for about a year now. Occasionally I get trapped looking at things one way and I have to pull myself back to shift my focus and recenter myself.

Plan of Action

  • I was asked to write some other short stories covering different topics – bullying, lgbtq+, teen life
  • I have my own plans to write some short stories on a character I made in a game – adopted daughter to a dragon
  • More posts about Covid 19, I feel like these will be import later on
  • Meditative writing
  • Creative posts – posts using music, images, or lines for prompting
  • Perspective posts – something covering a hot topic like the protests going on right now
  • General or check-in posts

I will try to write one of these every day or every other day, at least. This is something I want to do and I will do it. Doing something is how you get better at it, right?

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